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Last modified on 2009-11-16 18:52:57 GMT. 0 comments. Top.


Programme Conference
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Last modified on 2009-11-17 15:26:51 GMT. 0 comments. Top.


CO_CoverCO_CoverContributors: Jean-Louis Beffa, Margaret Blair, Wendy Carlin, Christophe Clerc, Simon Deakin, Jean-Paul Fitoussi, Donatella Gatti, Gregory Jackson, Xavier Ragot, Antoine Rebérioux, Lorenzo Sacconi and Robert Solow
Edited by Jean-Philippe Touffut Edward Elgar 2009
The 2008 financial crisis has caused the validity of theshareholder-oriented model to be scrutinized. Was the model right? Was it just that the regulations were inadequate, or was it the financiers’ greed? Should we not have earnestly searched for another model? Originally presented a year before the crisis, thepapers in this volume did more than anticipate such debate. This book provides excellent food for thought for anyone interested inhow to reconstruct the corporate economy.
– Masahiko Aoki, Stanford University
Do modes of management depend on company ownership? Does macroeconomic performance rely on shareholder value? The contributions collected in this book explore these questions from economic, historical and legal perspectives. They examine company ownership through the study of national institutions, with particular focus on North America and Europe. The 12 economic and legal specialists of this volume seek to explain why firms organized along the shareholder model have not outperformed other forms of ownership. Answers lie in the historical and institutional background of each country.
This book will appeal to a wide-ranging audience encompassing researchers, students and academics in the fields of corporate governance, company law, finance and organization theory.

Contributors: Jean-Louis Beffa, Margaret Blair, Wendy Carlin, Christophe Clerc, Simon Deakin, Jean-Paul Fitoussi, Donatella Gatti, Gregory Jackson, Xavier Ragot, Antoine Rebérioux, Lorenzo Sacconi and Robert Solow

Edited by Jean-Philippe Touffut
Edward Elgar 2009

The 2008 financial crisis has caused the validity of theshareholder-oriented model to be scrutinized. Was the model right? Was it just that the regulations were inadequate, or was it the financiers’ greed? Should we not have earnestly searched for another model? Originally presented a year before the crisis, thepapers in this volume did more than anticipate such debate. This book provides excellent food for thought for anyone interested inhow to reconstruct the corporate economy.

– Masahiko Aoki, Stanford University

Do modes of management depend on company ownership? Does macroeconomic performance rely on shareholder value? The contributions collected in this book explore these questions from economic, historical and legal perspectives. They examine company ownership through the study of national institutions, with particular focus on North America and Europe. The 12 economic and legal specialists of this volume seek to explain why firms organized along the shareholder model have not outperformed other forms of ownership. Answers lie in the historical and institutional background of each country.

This book will appeal to a wide-ranging audience encompassing researchers, students and academics in the fields of corporate governance, company law, finance and organization theory.



Last modified on 2009-11-17 14:53:53 GMT. 0 comments. Top.

ECCC_CoverContributors: Michel Armatte, Jean-Pierre Dupuy, Olivier Godard, Inge Kaul, Thomas Schelling, Robert Solow, Nicholas Stern, Thomas Sterner and Martin Weitzman
Edited by Jean-Philippe Touffut
Edward Elgar 2009

This volume brings a remarkable variety
of viewpoints on appropriate policy to meet the threats brought
on by man-made climate change. Not only economic theory but
broader political and methodological perspectives are brought
to bear by an authoritative set of authors, in what is certainly a
significant contribution to the debate.
– Kenneth J. Arrow, Stanford University

How did climate change become an economic issue?

Why is economic discourse so influential on the public

policy of climate change? How can it best contribute to

the scientific and public debates? Eight eminent scholars

explain in this book both how economics has changed

environmental understanding and how the study of climate

change has modified the economy.

Changing Climate, Changing Economy will interest

researchers and students in a variety of fields including

environmental policy economics, ecological economics,

public policy and the environment as well as environmental

ethics. Climatologists, environmentalists, public policy

advisers and analysts will also find this book invaluable.

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